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Forteresse Europe

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Logo de la chaîne télégraphique forteresseeurope - Forteresse Europe
Adresse du canal : @forteresseeurope
Catégories: Politique
Langue: Français
Abonnés: 1.45K

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Les derniers messages 5

2023-07-05 10:02:23
July 5, 1979: Death, at the age of 87, of the French aeronautical engineer Emile Dewoitine.

During his long career, he had built aircrafts with particularly brilliant performance, notably the Dewoitine 520 fighter which, in 1940, was to oppose advantageously his Italian and German adversaries.

In November 1942, under the colors of #Vichy, the Dewoitine 520 routed the American and English fighters who had come to support the Allied landing in Algeria.

After the war, Emile Dewoitine, who had chosen to support Marshal Pétain's governement, built in Argentina one of the very first jet fighters in the world, the Pulqui 1.
94 views07:02
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2023-07-05 10:02:23
5 juillet 1979 : Mort, à l’âge de 87 ans, de l’ingénieur aéronautique français Emile Dewoitine. Au cours de sa longue carrière, il avait construit des appareils aux performances particulièrement brillantes, notamment le chasseur Dewoitine 520 qui, en 1940, devait s’opposer avantageusement à ses adversaires italiens et allemands. En novembre 1942, sous les couleurs de Vichy, le Dewoitine 520 mettra en déroute les chasseurs américains et anglais venus appuyer le débarquement allié en Algérie. Après la guerre, Emile Dewoitine construira en Argentine l’un des tout premiers chasseurs à réaction du monde, le Pulqui 1.
88 views07:02
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2023-07-05 10:00:14

Le 5 juillet 1962, l'Algérie proclamait son indépendance. Ce jour fut aussi celui du massacre de 700 civils européens à Oran, précédé de milliers d'enlèvements depuis le 19 mars.


On July 5, 1962, Algeria proclaimed its independence. This day was also that of the massacre of 700 European civilians in Oran, preceded by thousands of kidnappings since March 19.
100 views07:00
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2023-05-22 08:14:13
22 mai 1988 : disparition de Giorgio Almirante.

22 May 1988: death of Giorgio Almirante.

22 maggio 1988: morte di Giorgio Almirante.
11 viewsedited  05:14
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2023-05-21 14:11:06
Hoy domingo, mesa informativa de FE de las JONS / LA FALANGE en Móstoles (Avd. Dos de Mayo, 12)
¡Acércate, que no te silencien!

Aujourd'hui, dimanche, FE de las JONS / LA FALANGE table d'information à Móstoles (Avd. Dos de Mayo, 12).
Venez, ne vous laissez pas réduire au silence !

Today, Sunday, FE de las JONS / LA FALANGE information table in Móstoles (Avd. Dos de Mayo, 12).
Come, don't be silenced!

21 views11:11
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2023-05-21 14:02:17 Cu 2 luni înainte de Parada homosexualilor aflăm că procurorii și polițiștii sunt trimiși de Ministerul Public la "cursurile de formare" ale Asociației Accept!
Nu ne intimidează această știre și vă anunț cu această ocazie că Noua Dreaptă va organiza sâmbătă 29 iulie Marșul Normalității - împotriva parteneriatelor, căsătoriilor și adopțiilor homosexuale.
Manifestarea a fost autorizată și vom reveni cu informații legate de ora și traseul Marșului Normalității care anul acesta ajunge la cea de-a 19-a ediție!

Deux mois avant la Gay Pride, nous apprenons que des procureurs et des policiers sont envoyés par le ministère public aux "cours de formation" de l'Accept (association roumaine prosélyte du lobby LGBT) !
Cette nouvelle ne nous intimide pas et je profite de l'occasion pour annoncer que la Nouvelle Droite organisera le samedi 29 juillet la Marche de la Normalité - contre les partenariats, les mariages et les adoptions homosexuels.
L'événement a été autorisé et nous reviendrons avec des informations sur l'heure et le parcours de la Marche de la Normalité qui atteint cette année sa 19e édition !

Two months before the Gay Pride, we learn that prosecutors and police officers are being sent by the public prosecutor's office to "training lessons" of "Accept" (Romanian LGBT lobby)!
We are not intimidated by this news and I would like to take this opportunity to announce that the New Right will be organising the Normality March on Saturday 29 July - against same-sex partnerships, marriages and adoptions.
The event has been authorised and we will come back with information on the time and route of the Normality March which reaches its 19th edition this year!
35 views11:02
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2023-05-21 11:01:42 After his failure last week, Darmanin (French minister of Interior) repeats by banning a meeting of the Iliad Institute.

Last weekend, Gérald Darmanin failed to ban the gatherings of the Nationalists and the Action Française (Centre Royaliste d'Action Française). The latter obtained in court the maintenance of their colloquium and their parade in homage to Saint Joan of Arc. As for the Nationalists, although they did not win their case in court, they maintained their Forum de l'Europe and their tribute to Joan of Arc.

This slap in the face was not to the liking of the authorities, who reacted quickly. The day after the banned demonstration on 14 May, Yvan Benedetti, president of the Nationalists, was summoned by the Paris territorial security for "organising a banned demonstration".

Not wishing to remain on a failure, Darmanin repeated yesterday by asking the "prefecture of police" of Paris to ban the meeting of the Iliad Institute for the ten years of the death of Dominique Venner.

The prefecture considers in the banning order that the meeting does not constitute "a simple tribute event" but rather a "celebration to continue the actions against the acceleration of the great Afro-Maghrebian replacement". The authorities also consider that there is a risk of statements "inciting hatred and discrimination against a group of ...". Soon it will no longer be possible to talk about immigration and the defence of our identity.
19 views08:01
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2023-05-21 09:30:47
42 views06:30
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2023-05-21 09:29:22 21. MAI 1471: GEBURT VON ALBRECHT DÜRER IN NÜRNBERG ;

Dürer entwarf die Muster, oft als Federzeichnungen, die die geschickten Hände anderer dann in Holz schnitzten.

Die Grundlage seines Ruhmes, seine Arbeit in diesem Medium, machte Holzschnitte nicht mehr nur sekundäre Illustrationen, sondern eine Kunstform für sich.

Beispiele beinhalten :

1. die vier apokalyptischen Reiter,
2. ein entschlossener deutscher Ritter gegen Tod und Teufel;
3. "Melencolia I";
4. "Der heilige Hieronymus in seinem Arbeitszimmer",
5. Erasmus, Gelehrter.



Dürer designed the patterns, often as pen and ink drawings, which the skilled hands of others then carved into wood.

The basis of his fame, his work in this medium made woodcuts no longer just secondary illustrations but an art form in themselves.

Examples include :

1. the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,
2. a resolute German Knight, vs. Death and the Devil;
3. "Melencolia I";
4. "St. Jerome in his Study",
5. Erasmus, scholar..



Dürer a conçu les motifs, souvent sous la forme de dessins à la plume et à l'encre, que les mains habiles d'autres personnes ont ensuite sculptées dans le bois.

À la base de sa renommée, son travail, dans ce domaine, qui a fait, à partir de la gravure sur bois, non seulement une forme d'art mineur, mais de véritables chefs d'oeuvre.

Ci-après :

1. les quatre cavaliers de l'Apocalypse,
2. un chevalier allemand, luttant contre la mort et le diable;
3. « Melencolia »
4. « Saint Jérôme dans son étude »,
5. Erasme, universitaire
42 viewsedited  06:29
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2023-05-20 17:14:31 FOTO. MARTIRII temnițelor comuniste, comemorați de ziua lor, la București. 75 de ani de la marile arestări politice din 14/15 mai 1948.

REPORTAGE PHOTOGRAPHIQUE. Les MARTYRS des prisons communistes commémorés le jour de leur anniversaire à Bucarest. 75 ans depuis les grandes arrestations politiques des 14/15 mai 1948.

PHOTOGRAPHIC REPORT. MARTYRS from communist prisons commemorated on their anniversary in Bucharest. 75 years since the major political arrests of 14/15 May 1948.
84 views14:14
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