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Forteresse Europe

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Catégories: Politique
Langue: Français
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2021-09-07 13:27:52 #YvanBenedetti à la manif gnan-gnan de Philippot

Après Avignon, Perpignan, Nice, Ajaccio, Toulon, #YvanBenedetti était à Paris le samedi 4 septembre pour manifester contre le Pass Sanitaire et le vaccin obligatoire. Dans la manif Philippot à [...]

#YvanBenedetti at the Philippot demo

After Avignon, Perpignan, Nice, Ajaccio, Toulon, #YvanBenedetti was in Paris on Saturday September 4 to demonstrate against Health Pass and the compulsory vaccine.
139 viewsedited  10:27
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2021-09-07 13:23:04 CULTURAL CHRONICLE

Raybaud was born on 19 May 1910 in Trans in the Var.

He studied at the Saint-Cyr military school between 1930 and 1932. After becoming a second lieutenant in the infantry, he was assigned to the 20th battalion of mountain troops (Chasseurs Alpins) in Antibes.

On 1 April 1940, he was promoted to captain. Two months later, he was in the Somme with his division (the 40th "chasseurs" division), fighting the Germans.

He was accepted into the armistice army after the defeat of France.

Although not very interested in politics, Raybaud was a fervent supporter of Marshal Pétain's National Revolution.

After the dissolution of the armistice army, he joined the French Militia. In April 1943, he became the deputy director of the Militia's executive school in Uriage.

He then worked with Jean De Vaugelas, as chief of staff of the Francs-Gardes, in February-March 1944 to fight against the Glières maquis in Haute-Savoie.

Raybaud remained above all a soldier and a career officer, just like his friend Victor De Bourmont.

In June 1944, he succeeded De Vaugelas as commander of the forces of law and order in Limousin. Then, on 25 July 1944, he gave up his post to be appointed deputy to Dr Rainsart, the head of the Franc-Garde in the northern zone.

Having taken refuge in Germany, he arrived in Wildflecken at the head of the first cohort of militiamen at the beginning of November 1944.

At the end of December 1944, Raybaud was appointed commander of the Waffen-Grenadier-Regiment der SS 58, following the departure of Eugène Marie-Jean Bridoux.

Promoted to the highest rank on 20 February 1945, before the rise to the front, he continued to wear the insignia of Hauptsturmführer, considering that there was more urgent need than finding new insignia.

SS-Brigadeführer Gustav Krukenberg entrusted him with the formation and direction of the marching regiment of the reorganised Charlemagne Division on 1 March 1945, which Raybaud managed to form in only two hours.

He was seriously wounded on 3 March 1945 by shrapnel in the thighs of both legs, while studying the situation of his troops, near a bridge over the Persante river, west of Kôrlin.

He was evacuated by Doctor Paul Durandy, then taken by Claude Platon to Kolberg.

Raybaud was nominated for the higher rank and awarded the Iron Cross 1st class. He did not learn of his promotion until many years later, in 1970, from a former secretary of the divisional staff.

He was repatriated to France after the defeat of Germany, and imprisoned in Limoges, where he was almost killed by former maquisards who had invaded the prison to take justice into their own hands.

Amputated of a leg, he was sentenced to death by the court of justice of Haute-Vienne in 1946.
Pardoned, he was finally released in 1951.

He published his book anonymously with Etheel in 1955: Vérité réconciliée... pour la Milice, justice!
The book was republished in 2007 by Editions du Lore with a modified title: For the honour of the Militia.
153 viewsedited  10:23
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2021-09-06 11:58:31 #HonneurAuMartyrDeLaRaceBlanche

Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd, né le 8 septembre 1901 à Amsterdam (Pays-Bas) et mort le 6 septembre 1966 au Cap, est un homme politique, un universitaire et un éditorialiste sud-africain, membre du Parti national, ministre des Affaires indigènes (1950-1958) dans les gouvernements Malan et Strijdom puis Premier ministre d'Afrique du Sud de 1958 à 1966.

Afrikaner d'adoption, Hendrik Verwoerd est souvent qualifié de « grand architecte de l'apartheid ».

Premier ministre de l'Union d'Afrique du Sud, il procède au référendum sur la République qui conduit à la fondation de la République d'Afrique du Sud en 1961.

Le 6 septembre 1966, Hendrik Verwoerd est poignardé à mort, sur probable instigation des communistes, alors qu'il assistait à une séance de l'Assemblée nationale, par Dimitri Tsafendas, un métis d'origine grecque et mozambicaine.

Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd, born September 8, 1901 in Amsterdam (Netherlands) and died September 6, 1966 in Cape Town, is a South African politician, scholar and columnist, member of the National Party, Minister for Indigenous Affairs (1950 -1958) in the Malan and Strijdom governments then Prime Minister of South Africa from 1958 to 1966.

Afrikaner by adoption, Hendrik Verwoerd is often described as “the great architect of apartheid”.

Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa, he proceeded to the referendum on the Republic which led to the founding of the Republic of South Africa in 1961.

On September 6, 1966, Hendrik Verwoerd was stabbed to death, at the probable instigation of the Communists, while attending a session of the National Assembly, by Dimitri Tsafendas, a half-breed of Greek and Mozambican origin.

Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd (gebore 8 September 1901 in Amsterdam (Nederland) en oorlede 6 September 1966 in Kaapstad) is 'n Suid-Afrikaanse politikus, geleerde en rubriekskrywer, lid van die Nasionale Party, minister van inheemse sake (1950 - 1958). Regerings van Malan en Strijdom van 1958 tot 1966 toe premier van Suid-Afrika.

Afrikaner by aanneming word Hendrik Verwoerd dikwels beskryf as "die groot argitek van apartheid".

Eerste Minister van die Unie van Suid-Afrika, hy het die referendum oor die Republiek gelei wat gelei het tot die stigting van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika in 1961.

Op 6 September 1966 word Hendrik Verwoerd, op vermoedelike aanmoediging van die kommuniste, doodgesteek terwyl hy 'n sitting van die Nasionale Vergadering bygewoon het deur Dimitri Tsafendas, 'n halfras van Griekse en Mosambiekse oorsprong.
129 views08:58
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2021-09-06 09:37:36
Manifestation #Falangiste le 10 septembre à 20H00, devant le théâtre de la #Blanquerna, C/ Alcalá, 44 (Madrid) à Madrid !

#Falangist demonstration on September 10 at 8:00 p.m. In front of the #Blanquerna theater, C/ Alcalá, 44 (Madrid) in Madrid!

144 viewsedited  06:37
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2021-09-06 09:19:48 Pathetic appeasement!
Stop erasing our history and culture to please an anti-white, Marxist, domestic terror group.
Shame on you Greene King.

La soumission pathétique !
Arrêtez d'effacer notre histoire et notre culture pour complaire à un groupe local terroriste anti-blanc, marxiste.
Honte à toi Greene King.
145 views06:19
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2021-09-05 19:27:34
Thermopylae Memory 2021 - Magnificent gathering of the #GoldenDawn!

Commémoration des Thermopyles 2021 - Magnifique rassemblement de l'#AubeDorée !

Μνήμη Θερμοπυλών 2021 – Μεγαλειώδης συγκέντρωση της #ΧρυσήςΑυγής!
109 views16:27
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2021-09-05 14:43:29 La mulți ani, CORIOLAN BACIU! Președintele Fundației ION GAVRILĂ OGORANU, despre relația sa cu marele erou anticomunist.

Joyeux anniversaire, CORIOLAN BACIU ! Le Président de la Fondation ION GAVRILĂ OGORANU, nous parle du grand héros anticommuniste.

Happy birthday, CORIOLAN BACIU! The President of the ION GAVRILĂ OGORANU Foundation tells us about the great anti-communist hero.

100 viewsedited  11:43
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2021-09-05 10:00:26
Jérôme Bourbon, directeur de #Rivarol et André Gandillon, directeur de #Militant rendent un hommage émouvant à Pierre Sidos un an après sa mort.
Paris - samedi 4 septembre 2021.

Jérôme Bourbon, director of #Rivarol and André Gandillon, director of #Militant pay an emotional tribute to Pierre Sidos one year after his death.
Paris - Saturday September 4, 2021.
146 views07:00
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2021-09-05 09:17:10 5 septembre 1914 : Charles Péguy, écrivain français, meurt au combat, à Villeroy.

Né le 7 janvier 1873 à Orléans, Péguy est un écrivain français. Il a aussi écrit sous les noms de Pierre Deloire et Pierre Baudouin. Également essayiste et poète, il est un artiste engagé. D'abord socialiste, anticlérical et dreyfusard, il finit par se convertir et devenir militant catholique, conservateur et royaliste. Lieutenant de réserve, il combat dès le début de la Première Guerre mondiale et meurt au début de la bataille de la Marne, le 5 septembre 1914.

Il est l'auteur du poème Ève, mis en musique par le compositeur Jehan ALAIN (1911-1940).

Ce chant, connu sous le titre "Les épis mûrs" est devenu la principale Marche funèbre française.

Heureux ceux qui sont morts
Pour la terre charnelle.
Mais pourvu que ce fut
Dans une juste guerre.

Heureux ceux qui sont morts
Pour quatre coins de terre.
Heureux ceux qui sont morts
D'une mort solennelle.

Heureux ceux qui sont morts
Dans les grandes batailles.
Couchés dessus le sol,
A la face de Dieu.

Heureux ceux qui sont morts
Dans un dernier haut lieu
Parmi tout l'appareil
Des grandes funérailles.

Heureux ceux qui sont morts
Car ils sont retournés
Dans la première argile
Et la première terre.

Heureux ceux qui sont morts
Dans une juste guerre
Heureux les épis mûrs
Et les blés moissonnés.

September 5, 1914: Charles Péguy, French writer, dies in combat, in Villeroy.

Born January 7, 1873 in Orléans, Péguy is a French writer. He also wrote under the names of Pierre Deloire and Pierre Baudouin. Also an essayist and poet, he is a committed artist. At first socialist, anticlerical and Dreyfus, he ended up converting and becoming a Catholic militant, conservative and royalist. Reserve lieutenant, he fought at the start of the First World War and died at the beginning of the Battle of the Marne on September 5, 1914.

He is the author of the poem Ève, set to music by the composer Jehan ALAIN (1911-1940).

This song, known under the title "Les épis mûrs", has become the main French funeral march.

Blessed are those who died
For the carnal earth.
But as long as it was
In a just war.

Blessed are those who died
For four corners of the earth.
Blessed are those who died
Of a solemn death.

Blessed are those who died
In great battles.
Lying on the ground,
In the face of God.

Blessed are those who died
In a last high place
Among the whole device
A big funeral.

Blessed are those who died
Because they returned
In the first clay
And the first land.

Blessed are those who died
In a just war
Blessed are the ripe ears
And the harvested wheat.
147 viewsedited  06:17
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2021-09-04 23:30:22
162 views20:30
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