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'The ruling class is replacing democracy with a global technoc | ⚖️ Maître de Araújo-Recchia | Avocat

"The ruling class is replacing democracy with a global technocracy" | Interview David Hughes :

"Put away your smartphone and all other 'smart' devices. The end goal is to install a form of technocracy in which there is no more privacy. The idea behind technocracy is that everything and everyone should be constantly monitored, through the 5G network, smart meters, smart cities. What is the purpose of that technology? Biodigital control. The technologies are presented as easy and convenient, but they lead to a form of slavery. If more people realized that and just didn't allow that surveillance network to be built, it would go a long way to thwarting these plans.(...)

What became clear from the MKUltra experiments is that the most effective forms of torture are psychological. They discovered that when you torture people, force them to hurt or even kill others, or force people to hurt themselves, combined with suppressing sensory sensations (sensory deprivation), they become extremely susceptible to programming. Consider face masks, for example. Sure, surgeons wear masks, but that's not to prevent viral transmission. The only other time I can find where people were required to wear masks was Guantánamo Bay. And maybe you're thinking, that's a coincidence or that was to protect the guards. But that fact doesn't hold true when you look closely at the photos. For example, there are photos where the prisoners wear industrial ear protection and thick gloves. These are well-known ways from MKUltra and CIA torture manuals to dampen sensory perception. In another photo, the prisoners are not wearing gloves or ear protection, they simply wear face masks.

We know Guantanamo is a torture facility, so what are those masks doing there? What is also clear from decades of research into psychological torture is how effective it is to get people to harm themselves. People do those things to themselves. They were clearly uncomfortable, unsanitary and oppressive. They led to a feeling of alienation, because you no longer see faces. It has a dehumanizing effect. These measures, which were presented as good for public health, take on a completely different light when you look at them as measures that were part of a psychological operation aimed at intimidating and indoctrinating the population."

"Covid-19," Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy, Volume 1 - FULL BOOK, FREE DOWNLOAD :