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Shaykh Ihsan Ilaahi Zaheer may Allah have mercy upon him : B | MAKTABA ATHAR AS-SÂLIKÎNE

Shaykh Ihsan Ilaahi Zaheer may Allah have mercy upon him :

Because the origin is the same and the source is the same, rather it - (She'ism) - is the origin, when i delved deeper and deeper, i realised that whenever i read a Sufi book or narration, i see a manifestation of a She'iee narration, and whenever i read a narration, to my astonishment!, I wonder how is this so?!, maybe I'm reading a She'iee book, so i look in it's pages and it's cover and see it's author and i find that no doubt he's Sufi but the narration is She'iee!!!, The more i delve deeper and deeper in their narrations i reached a conclusion, by Allah's permission, and this conclusion by the permission of Allah will be apparent to you in the biography of the book, supported by 400 Sufi books, that i used as reference,
Because the origin of Sufism and it's source is ((She'ism)) !

Because those who established Sufism were She'iee, and when i researched it i found that the first who was called a Sufi, the first person in the history of Islam who was called a Sufi is ((Jabir Ibn Hayaan)) , and both parties of She'iee and Sufis agree that he was a She'iee,
And She'iee claim that he was one of the student's of Ja'far Al Baqir,
It's their Ja'far not ours!
And after that i researched the heads of Sufism, and their honourable ones and leaders, and i found that apparent She'ism and concealed She'ism which is Sufism isn't known to many leader's of the people of Sunnah and Jama'ah.

She'iee scholar at the end of the video says :

{ If you want to clear out an area of Wahhabism then you must strengthen the Sufis, because the Sufi methodology is a natural enemy to Wahhabism and in that we ((She'iee)) cooperate with them ((Sufis)). }


_Wahhabism :
Is a slander name made up by deviant sects (especially turkish sufis) to tarnish the reputation of callers to true Islam, the Islam which the prophet Muhammad and his companions were upon.
And they mean by wahhabi a description of the followers of shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdulwahhab, in a means to illusion whoever hears this slander to allude that shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdulwahhab came with a new Islam other than the true Islam, but to the contrary, shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdulwahhab called people to the original Islam of the prophet and his companions and to discard all newly innovated matters in the religion and to warn from deviant sects all together.

Translated by Elfāteh Siraj