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The saddest part about Memorial Day, is that many gave their l | L'Aile à Stick

The saddest part about Memorial Day, is that many gave their lives under the guise of freedom.

They were told what they were doing was righteous, and they believed it.

They were willing to die, because freedom was worth fighting for.

But if the fallen could see America now, would they be satisfied knowing they died to defend what we have become as a nation?

If they knew that one day America would no longer be free, do you think they would have fought to defend her?

The ‘long train of usurpations’ against the American People is not only an attack on those of us in the present and the future, but it nullifies what all those in the past gave their lives to defend.

So long as America remains under tyranny, they died for nothing, and this pains me more than anything.

Not only that they died, but that the values they fought for, were an illusion.