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Torah et Yeshoua Ruth Israelite

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Logo de la chaîne télégraphique torahetyeshoua - Torah et Yeshoua Ruth Israelite
Adresse du canal : @torahetyeshoua
Catégories: Non classé
Langue: Français
Abonnés: 291
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Follow the Holy Torah in the Faith of our Lord and Savior Yeshua-Jesus, Amen

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2021-12-02 05:40:18 Nous ne pouvons pas prier l'Archange Michel ou d'autres Archanges ou Anges ou Saints, nous devons seulement prier Dieu dans le Saint Nom du Seul Médiateur entre Dieu et les hommes Yeshua-Jesus Christ.

1 Timothée 2:5-6
Car il y a Un Seul Dieu, et Un Seul Médiateur entre Dieu et les hommes, Yeshoua-Jesus l'Homme qui s'est donné en rançon pour tous...

Jean 14:6
Yeshua-Jesus lui dit : "Je suis le Chemin, la Vérité et la Vie. Nul ne vient au Père que par Moi.

On ne passe jamais par l'Archange Michel ou par d'autres Archanges ou Anges ou Saints pour arriver à Dieu.

Jean 10:7-10
Yeshua-Jésus leur dit encore : En vérité, en vérité, Je vous le dis, Je suis la porte des brebis. Tous ceux qui sont venus avant Moi sont des voleurs et des brigands ; mais les brebis ne les ont point écoutés. Je suis la porte. Si quelqu'un entre par Moi, il sera sauvé ; il entrera et il sortira, et il trouvera des pâturages. Le voleur ne vient que pour dérober, égorger et détruire ; Moi, Je suis venu afin que les brebis aient la vie, et qu'elles soient dans l'abondance.

Jean 10:1
En vérité, en vérité, Je vous le dis, celui qui n'entre pas par la Porte dans la bergerie, mais qui y monte par ailleurs, est un voleur et un brigand. 

Les Anges ne peuvent rien faire sans la permission de Dieu, pourquoi leur demander quelque chose ? Ils ne sont pas au-dessus de Dieu et quand les gens agissent ainsi, c'est une insulte envers Dieu et même envers ses Anges qui sont soumis au Roi des rois et parce qu'ils ne passent pas par Dieu Seul mais par une autre voie, ils prouvent que Dieu n'est pas au-dessus de tout dans leur cœur, ils veulent remplacer Dieu par d'autres dieux.
5 views02:40
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2021-12-02 04:19:02

28 views01:19
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2021-12-02 02:14:45
Camp de concentration Australie, même Jacques Attali pensait qu'ils ne pourraient pas aller jusque-là et bien si en fait.

Concentration camp Australia, even Jacques Attali the French Soros thought they couldn't go that far and well they did in fact.
48 views23:14
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2021-12-02 00:30:47 Nouvelles du Front des Patriotes.
L'état profond est plus profond que vous ne le pensez, il est abyssal. Le camp des Patriotes a été infiltré semble t-il par la CIA et par des forces obscures, je ne citerai aucun nom ici mais certains sont très déçus car la surprise est grande et le camp des Patriotes est divisé, je vous renvoie juste à ce que révèle Lin Wood un homme de Foi en Dieu et en notre Seigneur et Sauveur Yehoshoua-Jesus digne de confiance qui divulgue révélation sur révélation. Comme je l'ai souvent dis et pressenti Trump qui a été choisi par Dieu même s'il est imparfait est bien seul au milieu du marais, autour de lui rien n'est sûr. Que le peuple se repente de tous ses péchés et se sanctifie en revenant pleinement dans toutes les Voies de Dieu et de notre Seigneur et Sauveur Yehoshoua-Jesus et que Dieu sauve et protège son peuple, Amen.

News from the Patriot Front.
The deep state is deeper than you think, it is abysmal. The Patriot camp has been infiltrated it seems by the CIA and by darkness forces, I will not name any names here but some are very disappointed as the surprise is great and the Patriot camp is divided, I just refer you to what Lin Wood reveals a trustworthy man of Faith in God and our Lord and Savior Yehoshua-Jesus who discloses revelation after revelation. As I have often said and foretold Trump who has been chosen by God even he's imperfect is well alone in the middle of the swamp, around him nothing is safe. May the people repent from all its sins and sanctify themselves by returning fully to all the Ways of God and our Lord and Savior Yehoshua-Jesus and may God save and protect His people, Amen.
71 viewsedited  21:30
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2021-12-01 07:07:16 Avec Dieu nous ferons des exploits, Christ Est Roi, c'est Lui Seul qui écrase l'ennemi, Amen.

With God we'll do great things, Christ Is King, it is Only Him who crush the ennemi, Amen.
86 viewsedited  04:07
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2021-12-01 06:32:23
La Parole de Dieu Est l'Épée de l'Esprit
Éphésiens 6:17

The Word of God Is the Sword of the Spirit
Ephesians 6:17
87 viewsedited  03:32
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2021-11-30 19:50:51
Visiblement en Allemagne on rejoue l'histoire.
Ungeimpfte unerwunsch = indésirables non vaccinés…

Apparently in Germany history is being replayed.
Ungeimpfte unerwunsch = undesirable unvaccinated...
84 views16:50
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2021-11-30 03:30:30 Luke 23:42-43
And he said to Yeshua-Jesus, Remember me when you come in your kingdom. Yeshua-Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with Me in paradise.

The spirit never dies, only the flesh, this earthen vessel, perishes and is corrupted by returning to the earth, but the spirit returns to God who created it.

Ecclesiastes 12:8- 10
Before the silver cord is broken, and the golden vessel is shattered, and the pitcher is broken at the fountain, and the wheel is broken at the cistern;
Before the dust returns to the earth, as it had been, and the spirit returns to God who gave it. Vapor of vapors, says Ecclesiastes, all is vapor.

And yes all is not vanity but vapor = abel and pursuit of the spirit = Ruach and not of the wind because we are not only matter we are spirit. This is what King Solomon really tells us in his Wisdom.

And our Lord and Savior Yehoshua-Jesus will say:

John 6:63
It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh is useless. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.

The spirit of all life never dies, men, animals, plants, minerals, because everything has a spirit with different degrees.

Some spirits return to God and to our Lord and Savior Yehoshua-Jesus and stay with God in a place of rest the Paradise the Garden of Eden and other spirits that unfortunately reject God and our Lord and Savior Yehoshua-Jesus are cast away from God and wander in the suffering in the sheol.

Ecclesiastes 3:14
I have also recognized that everything God does will remain so forever: there is nothing to add to it, nothing to take away from it...

Does all this take away the expectation of the Resurrection of sleeping bodies? Not at all, for the sleeping bodies must find their spirit, everything must be repaired and regenerated, Amen
22 viewsedited  00:30
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2021-11-30 03:29:47 To all those who think that the dead must wait for the Resurection of the bodies to be with God. You are in doctrinal error.

In reality we need to know that the definition of the word -death- that we have is distorted in the minds of some by particularly Cartesian societies based only on all that is material and not on what is Spiritual and unfortunately some even in the religious groups are influenced by this distorted definition of the word death.

In Hebrew the word Moth מות is translated as death with the idea we have of death or Metha מת being dead. But in reality in what our Lord and Savior Yehoshua-Jesus tells us and the rest of the Holy Scriptures everything shows us that the vision of death as being the end of the Spiritual life is completely false, I deeply believe that the word Moth really means in its essence the end of the body but not of the life because the life is linked to God and God Is Spirit, the body stops but the Spirit never dies, the body is just the envelope, the vehicle, the earthen vessel that contains this spirit and it is this vehicle that stops.

Our Lord and Savior Yehoshua-Jesus will say of the dead that in reality they are sleeping, He is not talking about their spirit but about their body, it is the body that is in sleep waiting to move again receiving its container the spirit.

John 11:11-14
After these words He said to them, "Lazarus, our friend, is asleep, but I am going to wake him up. The disciples said to him, "Lord, if he sleeps, he will be healed. Yeshua-Jesus had spoken of his death, but they thought he was speaking of sleep. Then Yeshua-Jesus said to them openly, "Lazarus is dead.

Luke 8:52-56
All wept and lamented over her. Then Yeshua-Jesus said, "Do not weep; she is not dead, but sleeping. And they mocked Him, knowing that she was dead. But He took her by the hand and said with a loud voice, "Child, rise. And her spirit returned to her, and immediately she arose; and Yeshua-Jesus commanded that she should be fed. The girl's parents were astonished, and he told them not to tell anyone what had happened.

Note that the spirit returned to her, so where was the spirit of this child?

We see very clearly that even in the time of our Lord and Savior Yehoshua-Jesus people had a false belief of death because again and again our Lord and Savior Yehoshua-Jesus will give them the true definition of it, these bodies were sleeping until their spirits, alive elsewhere, come back into them by the Power of God our Lord and Savior Yehoshua-Jesus, Amen.

We have the same definition in the Holy Book of Daniel with "those who sleep in the dust" and I insist it is not the spirits that sleep but the bodies that are in the dust of the earth.

Our Lord and Savior Yehoshua-Jesus said this:

Luke 20:37-40
That the dead are raised is what Moses made known when, in connection with the bush, he called the Lord the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Now God is not the God of the dead, but of the living; for to Him all are alive. And some of the scribes answered and said, "Teacher, you have spoken well. And they dared not ask him any more questions.

In the Parable of Lazarus and the rich man, Abraham is alive and well in a peaceful place of rest, Gan Eden, separated by a huge ravine from the rich man who is also alive and feeling pain in the flame of the sheol.

And when Moses appeared at the side of our Lord and Savior Yehoshua-Jesus transfigured, Moses who is dead and buried is alive and well with a Spiritual body because of course in the Spiritual world, spirits do have Spiritual bodies.

What did our Lord and Savior Yehoshua-Jesus say to the robber on the cross who also had an obvious misunderstanding of death believing that he should wait for the Resurrection of the dead:
22 viewsedited  00:29
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