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Gate of the Sun, discovered in the 1800’s and located within t | 👁🌔La Matrice et Ses Secrets 🌖👁

Gate of the Sun, discovered in the 1800’s and located within the ancient ruins of the city of Tiahuanaco, in Bolivia.

The gate is an arch hewn from a single massive block of stone. It was said that the gate was used to travel from one dimension or world to the other.

The whole city was astronomically aligned with the main temple in the settlement. The creators of this temple had astrological knowledge prior to building.

One block from these ruins can have over 800 tons, also not only is granite very difficult to process, but it is also extremely difficult to carry and transport.

The biggest mystery is how they managed to deliver the stone from the quarry, which was 30 miles away from the site, and how they managed to stack these stones into those walls after transport.

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